The Path 

By Khaya Dryden-Peterson

There is a steep path that
You have to walk 
In your quest, 
To find
What you believe in. 

You may find you are
With people, with ideas,
Each one with its own unique features
Different but valuable 
But to what point? 

On your steep path 
You can think about how  
What you do and what you decide what is right 
Can influence 
This could change the outcome and course of history 

You can 
Learn to support your decisions with fact and understanding
You can disagree and explain what you think is right so that others can see your perspective too. 
This will help you continue
On the road of 

This is how we can be 
The bridge,
The Path,
Creating new places for us as a whole,
To be together as a community.  

Open and
Across our differences.

Khaya Dryden-Peterson

Khaya Dryden-Peterson (she/her/hers) was born in and still lives in Jamaica Plain. Next year, she will be in 8th grade at Boston Latin School. She loves to act, swim, ski, row, canoe, and make art. She also loves to read books and hang out with family and friends.