Shine Speck

by Helen

The wild fear that makes it cheer and jeer. 

I fought it fast with a mask and flask, at least that's what we hope.

We try to guide with a happy side but we cannot think. We say that we're fine looking for some sort of sign but we cannot find. 

We need the shine to come together, fight the malevolent with our talents, in the shining marble that holds all our souls, because when the world shut down we hid a frown. 

We said it was just a break May 4th give or take. We weren't prepared, then again how could we? 

How could we know everything high or low would change forever?

Everything we knew all together in a blur. Past and future smashing into present, in an array with no decay, like the Netflix sign. 

We have that shine speck together alone.


Helen is 9 years old and lives in Somerville, MA. She loves baking, reading and amoebas.