A Translation Relay

From 枕草子 (Makura no soshi or The Pillow Book)

By Sei Shonagon

春はあけぼの。やうやう白くなりゆく山ぎは、すこしあかりて、紫だちたる 雲のほそくたなびきたる。

夏は夜。月のころはさらなり。やみもなほ、蛍の多く飛びちがひたる。また、 ただ一つ二つなど、ほのかにうち光りて行くもをかし。雨など降るもをかし。

秋は夕暮れ。夕日のさして山の端いと近うなりたるに、烏の寝どころへ行く とて、三つ四つ、二つ三つなど、飛びいそぐさへあはれなり。まいて雁などの つらねたるが、いと小さく見ゆるはいとをかし。日入りはてて、風の音、虫の 音など、はたいふべきにあらず。

冬はつとめて。雪の降りたるはいふべきにもあらず、霜のいと白きも、また さらでもいと寒きに、火など急ぎおこして、炭もて渡るもいとつきづきし。 昼になりて、ぬるくゆるびもていけば、火桶の火も白き灰がちになりてわろし。

The Pillow Book

Translated by K.K.

Sunrise is spring. Gradually turning white at the area around the mountain, getting a little brighter, the purplish clouds stretching sideways are good.

Night is summer. The moon reminds of summer. Flying fireflies light up the dark sky. One or two of them glow dimly and flying away is interesting. The sound of raindrops is also interesting.

Evening is autumn. The sun is shining close to the edge of the mountain, the crows flying back in threes, fours, two and threes is deeply moving the heart. It is obvious how nice the geese and others flying and gradually getting smaller is, which is also tasteful. The sound of wind and chirps of insects after the sun has completely set is nice.

Morning is winter. It is obvious how beautiful the snow is. The first is very white, and even if it’s not, it is a cold morning. Immediately, making the first and traveling with coal is suitable. At noon, gradually the coal fire in the brazier has a lot of white ashes. Doesn’t look good.


Translated by Ryotaro





The Book by the Pillow

Translated by Kotaro Watanabe

Sunrise shows spring. I like the purplish cloud getting whiter and brighter as it reaches the mountain.

Night shows summer. No need to mention the moon rising. One or two fireflies, lighting up darkly on dim nights are very interesting. Rain is also interesting.

The evening shows autumn. The sun reaching the horizon while a few crows flying is impressive. No need to mention the geese becoming more delicious by flying and becoming smaller. No need to mention the wind and the insects making sounds after the sun goes away.

Morning shows winter. The snow is very beautiful. The frozen particles are white, and even if there are none of those, the morning would still be cold. It looks nice to build fire and travel with charcoal. In the evening, the fire and the charcoal turn to ash. It’s gross.


Kotaro Watanabe was born in New York to Japanese parents. However, he went to Japan only 1 year after he was born, so he had no experience writing in English until when he was 9. From 9, he went back to New York again for 3 years. His favorite part of the Japanese class in elementary school was poetry.

K.K. is a middle schooler who was born in Tokyo, Japan. He started to learn English from 2 years old since his parents wanted him to have more experiences. Right now he goes to an international school in Tokyo. His favorite book is “Hunger Games.”

Ryotaro is a junior-high school student who is from Tokyo, Japan. He lived in Malaysia from when he was five to ten years old, and went to a British international school there. His favorite poem is “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost.