More Poems from Acera School

We Will Not Give Up

by John Brolan

“New variant oh no”, it might not be that bad

The only thing we know is that it's more transmissive than the last one that we had

Each holiday we have more cases 

We have to be more safe 

We probably would all like to smack Covid in the head with lots and lots of vases

Covid is a bad thing none of us can deny it,

But even though it is so bad there are still good things we can do;

Like hiking, biking, and building a kiwi kit.


Vaccines are out, no one should pout.

Even though covid is still expanding 

It is also getting weaker.

John is 9 years old. He is a huge fan of Minecraft, Lego, books, cats, and Foursquare.

Playing during COVID

by O.L.

Covid started and 

I played more video games

With friends during lunch 

During hybrid school,

Recess was fun; in person

Or online playdates 

O.L. is 10 years old. He loves math, graphic novels, and board games.


by Sean Madan

S. idewalk surfing

K. icking on a dime,

A. ll the time during Covid

T. errified for the first time,

E. lectric and free

B. oards and

O. pen scenery,

A. cres of land to ride

R. iding 

D. own the ramp with pride,

S. un, sun, sun, we have all the fun!!!

Sean is 9 years old. Sean loves to listen to podcasts and audiobooks, solve math and word puzzles, skateboard/rollerblade, climb trees, and do water sports such as wakeboarding, wakesurfing, e-foiling, and sailing.


by Grayson Cho and Partner

C is for Christmas Cookies.

H is for Hot cocoa after coming in from playing in the snow.

R is for Reindeer.

I is for Icicles.  

S is for Santa’s Sleigh.

T is for Tinseled Trees with gifts under them.

M is for Mistletoe.

A is for all the wrapping paper on the floor.

S is for stuffed Santa on Christmas Eve.

Grayson is a budding scientist who loves the periodic table, creating beautiful origami, reading funny books and playing chess.


By Aaron

It spread all around the world.

Now we need to wear masks,

and everyone is bored.

But there is hope

As vaccines come

and we will be able to have more fun.

We will make it through this.

Bang, it’s Omicron,

a new Covid variant.

It's much more contagious than the others,

even if your careful you can still get it

But we can still make it through!

Aaron S is almost 9 years old. He loves baseball, math, and his dog.


by Zachary

When Covid started…

I was happy

that I got to do 

more things on my computer.

I was happy

that I got to spend

more time with my family.

I was happy

that I was able

wake up later for school.

And  I was reeeeally happy

that I was able to 

watch more movies.

But all and all –

I wanted 

Covid to be over :(

Zachary is a 3rd grader. He loves board games, math, listening to music and, most of all, playing with his friends.

Covid 19?!?

by Emily Ippolito and Tess Kelley 

Covid is how friends grow apart, families stay close, enemies stay far.

Masks in school, masks in stores, is this a never ending war? 

And if covid is thinning are we winning?

Virus here, virus there, why is it everywhere!?!

Staying home is a bore, seeing things I’ve seen before. 

‘Til this thing comes to an end, all you need is another friend. 

After Covid is gone away, I will go to friends and play,

and celebrate the entire day!!! 

Emily is a 4th grader. She’s an avid storyteller who loves the world of Harry Potter, playing with friends, and creating. 

Tess is 10 years old. She loves anything to do with cats, creativity and friends. Tess is also a very good soccer player.

A Covid Poem

by Augie Miller

We thought it would only last a week, but then it struck, again and again.

But we fought back with lots of shots, and we found out that they helped, a lot.

Within a month, we had it at bay, but then the variant came. It killed many people, and scared lots of souls, But we fought back harder than ever, to stop it from breaking the world. Then the vaccine was approved for kids, and we all cheered, Hooray!

Augie is 9 years old. He is a voracious reader who loves to tinker, build, invent, and learn new things.


by Easton Zou

Covid can be scary and not very merry 

But if you eat a berry you will be merry 

And if you get a dog it won’t be scary 

If you pet a bunny you will be happy  

Easton is 9 years old.  He loves jokes, riddles, and puzzles.  He is an avid reader, problem solver, and witty jokester.  

Our Poetry 

By AP, EW, Phoebe Nasveschuk, Radha Basu, and Sydney Rosman

Wearing masks was a terrible task.

 We spent time with family, casually.

 People died far and wide.

 We met our pet on the day he went to the vet.

As we weeped covid creeped.

We did cooking without looking.

People died and their loved ones cried.

We spent time at home then had an ice cream cone. 

Covid was mean but was never seen.

We spent time at home on zoom or a phone.

The shot fought and fought and never got caught.

We go to school in a carpool.

We turn eight (or nine) and celebrate in wintertime.

AP is a creative and curious 9-year-old.  She is an excellent friend.

EW is a sweet and creative 9-year-old.

Phoebe is 10 years old. At the moment she loves ballet, writing, studying Arabic, and her dog Finnegan.  

Radha is 9 years old. She loves softball and fantasy fiction and is an artist at heart.

Sydney is 9 years old. She loves to read and is full of joy and kindness.

The covid virus.

by Cam Marci


Get your shot and run from the covid zombie imposter.

If you have a vaccination shot you might have a chance to escape. 

But you can't use it on yourself. 

Don't step in the lake full of  viruses.

Either way…RUN!


Cam is 8 years old.

My Covid Poem

by Ellison Hall

Eighteen months stuck at home; I wanted a garden gnome. No I didn’t! That is boring! I just sat and sat and sat and sat. It was boring and coring and tore me to bits, all I could do was draw football kits.

Online school was very boring; the only good thing was book groups. I was schooling and schooling. Just i wasn’t! Playing video games was what I did! Then came hybrid, in school and out! Having fun both ways!

Couple months later, the vax came out only for adults I’m afraid, so I’ll have to wait… 

Couple months later, I'm in school again! This time with the vax, five to twelve, so I’m safe..! 

Ellison is 9 years old. He loves soccer, music, Christmas and his dog Pluto. He is a creator, architect, and philosopher.  


by Harper

I have a smile I'm not sad, I give presents I'm not bad,

but I'm a bunny I am glad, but then covid came,

I lost my smile, I could not give presents, 

I felt something new, I felt blue,

but then I got my bunny vaccine,

I felt happy again. 

HRH is 8 years old.  She loves bunnies and her dog Loki. She is an artist, actress and designer.

A Covid Poem

by Maya

Covid is scary

And very hairy

We stayed inside for days.

I put on a mask

So no questions asked

As we wandered in a haze.  


Maya is 8 years old. She loves playing with friends, reading, creative writing, ballet and rock climbing.

Positive Covid

by JN and Wesley

Covid Covid, stuck at home,

Covid Covid, bored at home.

Stuck at home for many years,

Covid Covid is always near!

Covid Covid for many years,

Covid Covid makes many fears,

Sometimes when Covid gets us down,

We can just stay away from town.

Covid Covid may be sad,

Covid Covid may be bad.

Covid Covid can’t go inside,

So how about you just go and hide?

JN is 9 years old. He is an amazing coder and artist.

Wesley has loved games of all kinds for most of his 9 years on this Earth: board games, card games, video games, you name it. He is also known for his thoughtfulness and kindness.

Elizabeth’s Covid Poem

We had fight with a spike

And unmute your mike!

Wow its a task to hear you through your mask

Covids very scary and if you get it, it’s not merry

Then you realize your hands you need to sanitize.

Elizabeth is a 9-year-old amateur archeologist with a passion for Southwest Native American textiles, pottery, and cliff dwellings.